LAST DAY TO VISIT - Exhibition at Godot Art Expo
Exhibition Date: 2024.10.23 - 10.3 Place: Godot Institute of Contemporary Art - Budapest, Fényes Adolf u. 21, 1037 Exhibition organized...
LAST DAY TO VISIT - Exhibition at Godot Art Expo
CURRENT - Exhibition at Bookta
Találkozási pontok (Meeting points)
Közös Nevező (Common Ground) - Group exhibition
Youngart Fine Arts Fair - Group exhibition at MOM Park
Dreams for Everybody - Solo exhibition at San Ramon Caffee & Bar
Street People - Solo exhibition at Fahéj Café
MűvészTerem Group exhibition at Etele Mall
'Women in art' Group exhibition at Titok Gallery
We Are Human - Solo exhibition at Dienes Gallery
We Are Human - Solo exhibition at Hal Köz Gallery
'Party Moments' - Solo exhibition at Biberr Cafe
Meditation - Newgrange/Berlin - Duo exhibition at Student Gallery in Eger